
Requirement Assessment

Define the space requirement, analyze lease vs. purchase options, identify geographic regions for new location

Market Research

Search all available buildings, verify availability of suitable properties, research current market trends and rental concessions

New Site Analysis

Prepare and review available properties with client, assess pros and cons and short list suitable options

Property Tours

Physically tour the short listed properties and narrow down the options

Lease Negotiation

Draft, submit and negotiate offers based on best economical deal for the tenant taking into consideration rental rate, lease term, free rent, tenant improvement allowance, etc.

Acquisition Negotiation

Draft, submit and negotiate offers based on best economical deal for the buyer taking into consideration relevant sales comps, replacement cost analysis, tenant improvements, establish timelines for due diligence, closing, etc.

Lease Renewals

Review upcoming lease expirations, prepare market study of available comparable properties, tour market, negotiate renewal based on current market conditions

Lease Audits

Review critical timelines, cancellation provisions, renewal notification time frames, tenant improvement schedules, etc.

Construction & Project Management

Track timeline for vertical construction and tenant improvements to ensure deadlines are met

Contact Management

Track all parties involved in the transaction for accountability